Friday, September 23, 2011

UPDATE: Staying Connected, Swapping Ideas

In 1980, I published an early English language study of Speer's Berlin work, based on my Cornell University dissertation:  "Hitler's Berlin: the Speer Plans for Reshaping the Central City," in the UMI Press book series.

While I was working with the UMI editors, I also had chance to contact Speer directly, send him the dissertation for comment, and had some useful correspondence by audio tape, used in the final version.

That book is now out of print, but available in UMI microfilm. The hard bound is held by a number of academic libraries.

Much later, I visited Berlin on a 2000 mini-abroad with Principia College, where I was then teaching undergrad art history. This blog UPDATE is based on the findings of that trip, and has been revised somewhat over time, and made more searchable, accessible. 

Welcome to Update 1.2.  I hope we can talk better, smarter, quicker now. And to the search engines of my German speaking friends, here's "Hitlers Berlin: Albert Speers Neugestaltungsplanungen der Reichshauptstadt," and more.

I set up this blog orginally in Fall 2010. I was already using Facebook, but not cross posting and sharing much.

And I hadn't realized that Twitter was not just an electronic "soap box" from which to dish out your opinions on this and that--but a quick simple way to Follow the advice/viewpoints of others, and  to "comment" back in real time, on things that were happening. Duh!

There are three Speer Plan postings listed along the right margin, under 2011. Click those listings to got straight to each one.

There are two CONTENT articles, #1-2. And some info on books available.

(In September, 2013, I updated some info in the Books post, and revised/enlarged post #1 on "Gone Without A Trace?")